A blog on an outfitter’s website? Sure, why not! That way all of you can join in our experiences, our firsts, our accomplishments, our excitement…our journey on this incredible venture of starting our own business!
So first and foremost- welcome to Dead Bear Walking Outfitters Incorporated.
My name is Tammy and more in likely I will be the one who writes the blog posts to keep you updated because Mike, my husband is much more suited for the woods then the computer!
I want you to get to know us so I’m going to start off by telling you a bit about us. Mike & I married in September of 2000. We have 3 terrific kids, all boys. There’s no doubt in my mind that we were meant to have 3 sons instead of daughters. Not that girls don’t like to hunt, fish and get muddy but these boys are true boys. They eat sleep and breathe the outdoors; unlike many who sit in front of video games all day. They are their father through and through. I’m sure I will be mentioning them all the time!
When Mike & I met, I was the girl from the city and he, the country boy. He was born and raised in the same small community we live in. I on the other hand, was an Air Force (brat) and had lived and visited all over. We came from 2 different worlds. I vividly remember our first son’s baby shower- his grandfather’s gift was a popgun… I cried! I never dreamt it would start so soon! It didn’t seem like much time had passed before they were showing up at the door, holding up a rabbit or a squirrel, huge smiles on their faces, and being their mom-I was super proud of their accomplishments even though I still was getting used to seeing animals that weren’t breathing anymore!!
In the 18 years Mike & I have been together- I have come a far way! I join them frequently on fishing trips, accompany them on trapping adventures, we grow large gardens and preserve it all. We also have laying hens for fresh eggs and raise chickens and cows to feed our family. I never dreamt this is where I’d be but now that I am, I cannot imagine it any other way.
So- the outfitting service we are providing~ Why? Where? When?
Like I mentioned before, Mike was born and bred in the country- he has hunted, fished, and trapped since he can remember. He also worked as an outfitter for a guiding service for over 20 years. Mike has been the manager of an Atlantic salmon fish hatchery for almost 20 years. He still is an avid hunter and fisherman and he traps both as a nuisance wildlife officer and for the fur trade. The outdoors, nature, the woods… they are in his blood.
We have always said we wanted to operate our own guiding service and now seemed like the perfect time. I will be making many posts keeping you updated on the progress!
Mike has an incredible amount of experience and his previous clients have given nothing but high praise. He goes that extra mile to make sure you have a hunt of a lifetime. I promise ☺
It’s the perfect time for us to be able to devote the time needed to have the lodge. For those of you who come to hunt with us, you’ll be seeing plenty of me too! I will be the one who fills your bellies full of yummy home cooking each and every day. I can guarantee that you will not leave the table hungry!
We are in the process of making plans to build the lodge. We will be booking black bear hunts for this upcoming spring, so exciting!!
Our outfitting lodge is located in Harvey Station, New Brunswick, Canada. It is secluded on our 100 acre property, nestled in the woods, in front of the river. The
re’s going to be nothing better than sitting on the large porch listening to the moving water, watching the sun set… okay, maybe tagging out with a large black bear may be better but it’ll be a toss up!

Could you tell me what dates are available for spring and fall of 2020 and 2021 please. Thanks
I certainly could. Please send a quick email to info@deadbearwalking.com and I’ll get right back to you. Thanks