I figured it was time for an update on the hunting lodge! For those of you who haven’t followed the lodge updates on the blog, we have made progress each week! The last update I gave you update- the wood stove being installed and the bedroom and bathroom walls being framed, We also got most of the boards up on the walls and the fridge and stove arrived. (If you missed it, it’s easy to find in the blog posts!)
To catch you up to date:
Porch progress
Mike put the boards on the porch ceiling. We still have the pot lights to install, put a trim across the gable ends, and of course, screen it in. He also finished the gable ends on both the front of the camp and the porch roof. Now just to finish both of those and the back with trim and it’s complete!

Ceiling progress
The past few weeks, I have spent the days, evenings and some late nights, staining boards for the ceiling. After they dry, I have been whitewashing them. We choose this type of finish so the ceiling will be light and brighten up the lodge. With the large windows and the lightened ceiling, it should be anything but dull and dark inside!
After I get a stack of them stained and painted, Mike and Josh (oldest son) have been installing them. I really love it! It’s rustic and unique, just like the rest of the building. I still have many more days ahead of staining and painting but every bit counts, right!

The view
In between the building, Mike and our sons have been busy cutting trees. The trees are being cut to thin it out; giving us a view of the river from all angles of the lodge. The boys are not only great help but they enjoy having super fires- what male doesn’t like fire! (safely, that is)
Yesterday, while they were down working, Mike called me to say a fisher was across the river and didn’t seem bothered by them in the lodge. With me not being there, that meant the camera wasn’t there either and that means no photos. Each time Mike drives back and forth from home to the lodge, he sees a herd of deer. I’ve been seeing a few as well but I’m never quick enough with my phone to take a picture.

Once we get the ceiling done, we will work on the floor. That’s going to be another large project- I have the most amazing finish picked out for the pine boards we have bought. Fingers crossed it will turn out the way I envision it. If so, I will share it asap.
When we finish the ceiling and floor, we will begin the bathroom. We have everything we need, it’s just a matter of installing it- the flooring, toilet, sink and a large corner shower have been bought. I have been scouring high and low for the perfect vanity and I finally found it! Thank goodness for family- my brother was kind enough to pick it up as it’s close to him and far from us. I haven’t seen it in person yet but from the photo, I can tell it’s going to be the perfect piece to finish the bathroom!

Mike nor myself are carpenters in any way and this has been a huge learning experience for us! However, I dare say we are doing a fine job with the lodge. With the help and knowledge of others, we seem to managing quite well. Of course, there’s still plenty to do but each day there’s progress.
The Lodge is looking fantastic!!! Can’t wait to see it again!!!