Black bear hunting with us… Want a hunt of your lifetime? A hunt that takes you home with not only with your targeted species but with memories to last forever? Join us at Dead Bear Walking Outfitters for it all!
Mike is known for going out of his way to make sure your hunt is the very best. He uses one of a kind bait that the bears LOVE. You will see firsthand the dedication he puts into each bait when you first arrive to your stand.
Speaking of stands, did you know that we provide a few different options? We have double ladder stands (giving you plenty of room) as well as 2 different handcrafts stands- closed in stands (perfect for those colder or rainy days) and platforms (giving lots of space to sit comfortably with all your gear). We also have ground blinds that will be used in specific areas.

Getting to the stands- they are all in close proximity making it quick to get to. Mike will help you get into the stands and situated. After that- your hunt begins! Mike will be back to pick you up and help you out of the stand when legal hunting hours are over. If you shoot in the meantime, you’ll give us a call and Mike will come retrieve your bear. This may or may not include tracking your animal depending how far the bear made it before expiring.
Tracking isn’t easy and requires great skill. A good tracker not only knows his way around the woods but has a good sense of direction. They also need to know the instincts of the animal and where it may go. One must have a good eye and be able to spot the tiniest drop of blood.
What will you do with your bear? Bear meat is yummy on the BBQ and makes fantastic sausages! Do you plan on getting a mount? Whether you choose a rug or a wall mount, it’s a great way to preserve your memories!
Once your hunt is over, don’t think you’re done- there’s many things to keep you busy throughout your visit with us; it will be a toss up which one you choose first!