Dead Bear Walking Outfitters Inc.
A few years ago, the name Dead Bear Walking Outfitters popped into Mike’s head. He was in the shower and yelled out ‘Dead Bear Walking, write it down!” And so I did. And here we are now! Now, not saying Mike doesn’t ever have any great ideas, but I’d like to think that I have tons (hehe!) I will admit that his Dead Bear Walking was a great idea 😉
We knew that someday we would start our own outfitting business, we just didn’t know when. When we decided to take the leap and branch out on our own (Mike worked for an outfitter as a guide since 1994. I joined them as the cook a few years ago) we figured the time had come. We owned the perfect piece of property to build a camp… it doesn’t get much better than 100 acres of secluded land with a river and one it’s tributaries running through it. Our sons are older and self sufficient, for the most part! And of course, it wasn’t like we were learning a new job, a doctor or a transport truck driver; when it comes to a skilled outdoorsman, Mike is the best of the best. No better time than the present, they say!
Why Outfitting?
It’s about being able to share something we are passionate about with others. Sharing our everyday lives with others and allowing them to catch a glimpse into our world. How many of you get up each day and are able to head to work excited about your day? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Mike eats, sleeps, and breathes the outdoors. Wind, rain, snow, black flies… nothing stops him from being outside. Whether he’s planting or tilling the gardens, trapping for the sale of pelts or as a nuisance wildlife operator, managing the Atlantic salmon hatchery, fishing, hunting, picking mushrooms, cutting wood, tipping, snowshoeing, or just out for a walk, he loves every minute of it.
Where did we come up with our name?
Fast forward to when we announced we were opening an outfitting lodge,- it didn’t shock or surprised anyone! Most people responded with ‘finally, it was only a matter of time”. Everyone was eager to know what our new name would be and what it meant.
We’ve all seen movies where the prisoner is walking to his own execution; often referred to as a dead man walking. If I was asked to describe what I think ‘dead man walking’ means, I’d say: a man walking to his death, he is soon to die. When asked about Dead Bear Walking… it’s the same thing. A bear walking into his own execution, the only difference is the bear is unknowing of this fact.
We want to give our hunters every opportunity to get their bear (or deer or moose). We will have plenty of sites baited on a regular basis and trail cams to monitor what’s coming in and when. It’s then up to the hunter to wait for the perfect shot! Dead Bear Walking!
Our Baited Sites
It doesn’t get much better than what we offer! Mike has been baiting for 20 years, he knows the tricks of the trade and plenty of extra secrets to keep the bears coming in. Dead Bear Walking has put baits and stands in prime black bear areas; we’ve been fortunate to secure 100’s of acres of private land that is untouched by any other humans. Mike says it’s the best grounds he’s ever seen when it comes to bears. Each time he comes back from baiting, he is pumped up and excited to share how amazing it truly is. To top it off… the baits are getting hit really well by multiple bears. It’s going to make for some wicked hunting!
We also have access to 1000’s of acres of crown land and our own land as well. Mike carefully chooses spots where others do not go. He picks out the best of the best places- incredible views, making you unseen from bears, giving you every opportunity to get your trophy animal!

Here’s just a few photos from recent trail cameras. Mike finally got a few more cameras out; I’ll post more on our Facebook page once he brings back the SD card. Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page, we are always adding something new- stories, photos, and even contests and discount pricing on hunting packages! Make sure to like our page so you don’t miss out on great opportunities!

First Year in Business
As most of you know, we have been working around the clock to prepare for this bear season. We have spent countless hours building the lodge, wanting to make it as comfortable as possible for our guests. Each person who has dropped by says we have a million dollar spot, and we cannot wait to share it with you!
We have our first clients staying in the lodge in a few weeks. Last week, we had our first hunter. He was from Ontario, staying with family near by and was able to hunt with us without needing to stay at the lodge. On his third and final night of hunting, he got his bear-it was the first bear that he took and our first official DEAD BEAR WALKING as a newly established outfitter!

Mike and I are thrilled to be on this new, exciting journey; Dead Bear Walking Outfitter’s has started it’s first season off with a bang (no pun intended!!) and we look forward to creating friendships and memories with each and every one of our clients.
“I do not hunt for the joy of killing but for the joy of living, and the inexpressible pleasure of mingling my life however briefly, with that of a wild creature that I respect, admire and value.”~ John Madson
Congratulations on your first official bear harvest
Thank you very much! We plan on it being the first of many!