Hunting with your children
Hunting with your kids can be one of the most rewarding experiences ever. It teaches love and respect for nature and provides protection for the sport for future generations. The two of you will never forget the first time he/she shoots a duck or rabbit or when he/she takes down their first bear. It will provide a bond for life and memories to last forever.
Mike has involved our boys since before they could walk. He would strap them into their car seats and head out to check traps. The older they got, the more they went. Mike took them anywhere and everywhere he went- to set traps, to check trail cameras and baiting. They’ve spent countless hours calling moose. They would head to nearby woodlots in the evenings and sit silently as Mike called moose. The thrill they would get when a moose would respond by grunting and thrashing quickly through the woods, appearing out of nowhere. It wasn’t long before they joined him on hunts. Nestled behind snow banks calling coyotes in, sitting in blinds awaiting a buck to pass by and in stands for bear. For their ages, they have experienced a lot more than the average kid. They have memories to last forever and stories to pass onto their kids and grandkids.
Turkey Hunt
Last spring, Mike and Devin had a fantastic opportunity to go turkey hunting. The Canadian Wild Turkey Federation was hosting their annual Kids Hoot and Shoot. CWTF was inviting 8-10 teams (parent/child) on a 4 day trip to Maine for wild turkey hunting.
In the last several years, we have had wild turkeys in our area. There isn’t a hunting season for them (yet!) This was the perfect opportunity for Mike and Devin to experience turkey hunting.
The weekend was all about the kids. It was a great way to learn about turkey biology, roosting, shooting turkey guns, scouting, decoys, and calling. They experienced everything from calling contests to hearing the woods waking up on opening day.
The mornings were early; up shortly after 4 am to head into the woods at 5. This way they would be situated before the roosted birds awoke. They had late nights sharing stories and hunting adventures.
Devin was successful and shot his first turkey! His turkey’s beard made the Maine state records as well! Devin said it was an incredible hunt and was just as exciting as big game hunting. As far as the actual experience, I will leave the story for Devin to tell you when you come to hunt with us at Dead Bear Walking!
Out of the group, only 2 were successful in getting a turkey that weekend. It just so happened that both boys were from Harvey Station…. Harvey rocked the Hoot and Shoot of 2016!
A huge thanks to the Canadian Wild Turkey Federation for hosting such an incredible experience and to Point Sebago Lake Lodge in Casco, Maine for accommodating the group.
Making memories with your child at DBW Outfitters
It’s memories like this that we keep forever… kids won’t remember which tv show they watched or which video game they played, but they will remember a hunt and having their parents there to share in their excitement. We, here at Dead Bear Walking, would love to make these memories possible for youth- why not consider planning a hunting trip for yourself and child! One needs to be 16 to hunt in NB, however, our tree stands comfortably fit 2 so they can experience the hunt with you and record it on video. Give them a trip of a lifetime, much more meaningful than Disney Land or a new Xbox game! Trust me, your son or daughter will love every minute of the experience!