Let’s go back a bit….all the way to 2005. That year, my mom had her name drawn for her moose license. She, Mike and my dad packed up and went to Mike’s father’s camp for the 3 day hunt. They lucked out and got a nice bull the first day!
In between then and now, Mike has been fortunate enough to have his name drawn as well as being the secondary hunter for both his uncle and a friend.
This summer when tags were drawn for the upcoming September hunt, anyone who applied called to see if they were successfully drawn. Sadly, Mike wasn’t but my mom was again! In recent years, New Brunswick’s moose hunt has changed to 5 days giving a few more days of opportunity. This year they didn’t go to the camp but hunted right here around where we live (3 minute drive from the lodge). Each day they would come home tired and without a moose…until the second to the last day. Mike had been walking and had a bull answering him and circling around him for 2 hours. Finally he showed himself and the hunt was over!